Our Team

Jeff Springer
With over 24 years as a Corporate Valuation Expert, Jeff understands how successful small and mid–size companies manage top–line and bottom–line growth. He has an in–depth understanding of corporate financial management, accounting, and performance measurement, as well as a successful track record of developing and implementing business plans to achieve company objectives and create value for all stakeholders. Jeff oversees BCDK’s finances, and with Flint, sets and achieves BCDK’s strategic vision.

Flint Beamon
Flint brings over 10 years of experience in Marketing, Public Relations, lifestyle branding, and fast–retail. Additionally, he has over 10 years in successful restaurant management; hiring, developing and managing staff, while anticipating and meeting customer and public needs. Flint oversees BCDK’s multiple retail distribution efforts and day–to–day customer relations, ensuring our promise and partnership with the local community.
Global Pet Expo
Orlando, FL
2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, 2024
Las Vegas, NV
2019, 2022, 2023, 2024